Category: St. Lawrence Memories
A Special Year
The 1999-2000 academic/athletic year for St. Lawrence University was a pretty special one. It started out with an undefeated and untied march to the NCAA Division III Mens Soccer Championship, the first team to have an unblemished (22-0-0) record en route the national title and the winter season concluded with a record-setting NCAA quarterfinal game…
Manuals…we don’t need no stinking manuals!
I never delved that far into manuals. I did rule books to help me figure out how to cover new sports. I spent nearly all of my 40 years as a sports information director covering field hockey and equestrian, two sports I had little or no exposure to prior to joining the staff at St.…
The Assistants
When I started at SLU we had 13 sports…when I left there were 35 varsity sports. I started with just me in the office and got tons of help typing play by play and other things at games from secretary Beth Cheney. The other secretaries at the PR office, Rita Hewlitt and Mary Hought helped…
The Athletic Directors
Bob Durocher (left) and hockey coach Greg Carvel present me with a photo placque and a jersey following my retirement announcement in 2016. My last home regular season game was against Harvard on Feb. 27, 2016. In my 40 years at St. Lawrence, there were five different presidents of the University, but only four athletic…